
Monday, January 26, 2015

“Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us”

                I can hold a grudge. I mean, let’s be honest, people, especially women are pretty good at holding grudges, right? Why? Because we get hurt easily and sometimes we stay hurt for a really long time. Although women are notorious for this habit, anyone can hold a grudge. But here’s the thing ladies and gentlemen out there: we are called to forgive those that trespass against us. God tells us that word for word in the Our Father. I know, I know, it’s not always the easiest thing to do. Trivial things are often easy to let go of, but what about when it’s something that cuts us deep down at our core? Suddenly, forgiveness is not as easy.
 In my lifetime, I’ve held my fair share of grudges and refused to give forgiveness where it was so obviously deserved. I can’t really explain why I didn’t want to forgive… other than being wounded; but besides that there really wasn’t a good reason for refusing to be open to the idea of forgiveness. In all honesty, there never is a good reason to not forgive people. We can make excuses for reasons not to, but when it comes down to it, we are called to forgive.
Next time you’re holding a grudge and you’re struggling to forgive someone for their actions, try to think about things in a different light. Remind yourself that that person is a child of God. Just as God loves you, He also loves the person you are struggling to forgive. Ask God to reveal the love He has for them to you. I assure you, you will find it easier to forgive them.
Something important to keep in mind: please be patient with yourself. Choosing to forgive someone is a wonderful thing, but it might not come as easily as you want it to. What matters is that you work at it and despite how difficult it may seem to be, don’t give up on striving to see that person as a child of God deserving of forgiveness. I know you can do it, believe in your ability to forgive and be patient with yourself.
As St. Josemaria Escriva said, “All right: That person has behaved badly toward you. But haven’t you behaved worse toward God?” No matter how many times we sin, God forgives us and shows us mercy. We must do the same for others in forgiving them and showing them mercy. Strive to reveal that mercy!

“Lord help us to forgive those who have hurt us. Help us to take the hurt and frustration and turn it into joy; because we know it is what you would have us to do. Help us to forgive so that you may forgive us. Heal the hurts and cleanse our minds. We thank you, Lord, that You can help us to forgive and close the chapter in our lives forever. In the name of Jesus. Amen.” (Jason Evert)

I am praying so hard for you.

Your sister in Christ,


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